O'bby - that's how it started

Having a child is a bit like starting a new education - there is a lot to learn and find out. You prepare as best you can, but here you have to "go into practice" to experience what is best for you and your child.

My first child was born in February 2022, and even with a background as a nurse, I felt a lot of uncertainty, but above all, great joy. It went well to start breastfeeding, but after a few weeks I started to think about my little baby's position during breastfeeding. I felt that he was lying so hard right on my arm and I was afraid that my ear would get pinched.

There is a large selection of nursing pillows on the market, but I found most of them to be large and a bit bulky. And should I carry a big pillow with me everywhere, in addition to everything else a small baby needs?

I am an operating room nurse by profession, and part of my job is to ensure the best possible positioning of patients during an operation. For me, it therefore became completely natural to think about this when I put my little one to the breast. A baby also cannot tell if something is uncomfortable or if the ear is pinched.

After many hours of breastfeeding, the idea for the O'bby pillow was suddenly conceived. It is small, it is easily threaded on the arm and has a pit adapted to the baby's ear. Of course, it fits equally well whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. It gives the baby a comfortable bed while also providing good support for the mother's or father's arm.

- Anniken